Hello Trailblazers, In this post, we will see how you can create an HTML table with search and filter options in the Lightning web component. I will show the list of cases in the HTML table with the filter and search option.
In this component, you have two options, filter data from the database and search through all fields of all records retrieved from the database.
If you need you can add additional features like pagination, additional fields by modifying the code. You can also use the same code for a different object with some tweaks.
We will use wired apex to get data from Salesforce. Here is the apex code. You can also use imperative apex call if needed.
public with sharing class FilteredTableController { @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) public static List<Case> getCases( String caseNumber, String subject, String priority, String status, String accountName, String contactName ) { String query; String condition = (String.isNotBlank(caseNumber) ? 'CaseNumber LIKE \'' + '%' + caseNumber + '%\'' : ''); condition += (String.isNotBlank(subject) ? (String.isNotBlank(condition) ? +' AND ' : '') + ' Subject LIKE \'' + '%' + subject + '%\'' : ''); condition += (String.isNotBlank(accountName) ? (String.isNotBlank(condition) ? +' AND ' : '') + ' Account.Name LIKE \'' + '%' + accountName + '%\'' : ''); condition += (String.isNotBlank(contactName) ? (String.isNotBlank(condition) ? +' AND ' : '') + ' Contact.Name LIKE \'' + '%' + contactName + '%\'' : ''); condition += (String.isNotBlank(status) ? (String.isNotBlank(condition) ? +' AND ' : '') + ' Status LIKE \'' + '%' + status + '%\'' : ''); condition += (String.isNotBlank(priority) ? (String.isNotBlank(condition) ? +' AND ' : '') + ' Priority LIKE \'' + '%' + Priority + '%\'' : ''); System.debug('condition ' + condition); if (String.isNotBlank(condition)) { query = 'SELECT CaseNumber,Status,Subject,Account.Name,Contact.Name,Priority FROM Case WHERE ' + condition + ' ORDER BY CaseNumber'; } else { query = 'SELECT CaseNumber,Status,Subject,Account.Name,Contact.Name,Priority FROM Case ORDER BY CaseNumber LIMIT 200'; } List<Case> records = Database.query(query); return records; } }
I have created a component called FilteredTable
and below is the code for that.
import { LightningElement, wire, api, track } from "lwc"; import getCases from "@salesforce/apex/FilteredTableController.getCases"; import { NavigationMixin } from "lightning/navigation"; import { refreshApex } from "@salesforce/apex"; import { ShowToastEvent } from "lightning/platformShowToastEvent"; import { getPicklistValues } from "lightning/uiObjectInfoApi"; import STATUS_FIELD from "@salesforce/schema/Case.Status"; import PRIORITY_FIELD from "@salesforce/schema/Case.Priority"; export default class FilteredTable extends NavigationMixin( LightningElement ) { @track data; searchable = []; wiredCaseCount; wiredCases; doneTypingInterval = 0; statusPickListValues; priorityPickListValues; searchAllValue; caseNumber = ""; accountName = ""; contactName = ""; subject = ""; status = null; priority = null; @wire(getCases, { caseNumber: "$caseNumber", accountName: "$accountName", contactName: "$contactName", subject: "$subject", status: "$status", priority: "$priority" }) wiredSObjects(result) { console.log("wire getting called"); this.wiredCases = result; if (result.data) { this.searchable = this.data = result.data.map((caseObj, index) => ({ caseData: { ...caseObj }, index: index + 1, rowIndex: index })); } else if (result.error) { console.error("Error", error); } } @wire(getPicklistValues, { recordTypeId: "012000000000000AAA", fieldApiName: STATUS_FIELD }) statusPickLists({ error, data }) { if (error) { console.error("error", error); } else if (data) { this.statusPickListValues = [ { label: "All", value: null }, ...data.values ]; } } @wire(getPicklistValues, { recordTypeId: "012000000000000AAA", fieldApiName: PRIORITY_FIELD }) priorityPickListPickLists({ error, data }) { if (error) { console.error("error", error); } else if (data) { this.priorityPickListValues = [ { label: "All", value: null }, ...data.values ]; } } handleChange(event) { this[event.target.name] = event.target.value; console.log("change", this[event.target.name]); } handleKeyUp(event) { clearTimeout(this.typingTimer); let value = event.target.value; let name = event.target.name; this.typingTimer = setTimeout(() => { this[name] = value; }, this.doneTypingInterval); } clearSearch() { this.caseNumber = ""; this.accountName = ""; this.contactName = ""; this.subject = ""; this.status = null; this.priority = null; this.searchable = this.data; this.searchAllValue = ""; this.searchAll(); } handleSearchAll(event) { this.searchAllValue = event.target.value; this.searchAll(); } searchAll() { let searchStr = this.searchAllValue.toLowerCase(); const regex = new RegExp( "(^" + searchStr + ")|(." + searchStr + ")|(" + searchStr + "$)" ); if (searchStr.length > 2) { this.searchable = this.data.filter((item) => { if ( regex.test( item.caseData.CaseNumber.toLowerCase() + " " + item.caseData.CaseNumber.toLowerCase() ) || regex.test( item.caseData.Status?.toLowerCase() + " " + item.caseData.Status?.toLowerCase() ) || regex.test( item.caseData.Subject?.toLowerCase() + " " + item.caseData.Subject?.toLowerCase() ) || regex.test( item.caseData.Account?.Name?.toLowerCase() + " " + item.caseData.Account?.Name?.toLowerCase() ) || regex.test( item.caseData.Contact?.Name?.toLowerCase() + " " + item.caseData.Contact?.Name?.toLowerCase() ) || regex.test( item.caseData.Priority?.toLowerCase() + " " + item.caseData.Priority?.toLowerCase() ) ) { return item; } }); } else if (this.caseNumber.length <= 2) { this.searchable = this.data; } console.log(this.searchable); } handleNavigate(event) { event.preventDefault(); this[NavigationMixin.Navigate]({ type: "standard__recordPage", attributes: { actionName: "view", recordId: event.target.dataset.id } }); } }
<template> <lightning-card variant="Narrow"> <lightning-layout multiple-rows> <lightning-layout-item size="12" padding="around-small" > <table class="slds-table slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_bordered"> <thead> <tr class="slds-line-height_reset"> <td colspan="3"> <lightning-input type="search" variant="standard" name="allfieldSearch" label="Search All Fields" placeholder="type text..." min-length="3" message-when-range-underflow="Type min 3 chars" value={searchAllValue} onchange={handleSearchAll} ></lightning-input> </td> <td colspan="3">The "Search all fields" searches in local data only, use below filters to get data from server</td> </tr> <tr class="slds-line-height_reset"> <td scope="col" style="width: 20px" > <lightning-button-icon variant="base" size="small" icon-name="utility:clear" alternative-text="Clear Search" onclick={clearSearch} ></lightning-button-icon> </td> <td scope="col"> <lightning-input type="text" variant="standard" name="caseNumber" value={caseNumber} label="Search Case Number" placeholder="type case number..." onkeyup={handleKeyUp} ></lightning-input> </td> <td scope="col"> <lightning-input type="text" variant="standard" name="accountName" value={accountName} label="Search Account" placeholder="Account name..." onkeyup={handleKeyUp} ></lightning-input> </td> <td scope="col"> <lightning-input type="text" variant="standard" name="contactName" value={contactName} label="Search Contact" placeholder="Contact number..." onkeyup={handleKeyUp} ></lightning-input> </td> <td scope="col"> <lightning-input type="text" variant="standard" name="subject" value={subject} label="Search Subject" placeholder="Subject..." onkeyup={handleKeyUp} ></lightning-input> </td> <td scope="col"> <lightning-combobox name="status" label="Status" value={status} placeholder="Search Status" options={statusPickListValues} onchange={handleChange} ></lightning-combobox> </td> <td scope="col"> <lightning-combobox name="priority" label="Priority" value={priority} placeholder="Search Priority" options={priorityPickListValues} onchange={handleChange} ></lightning-combobox> </td> </tr> <tr class="slds-line-height_reset"> <th scope="col">Index</th> <th scope="col">Case Number</th> <th scope="col">Account Name</th> <th scope="col">Contact</th> <th scope="col">Subject</th> <th scope="col">Status</th> <th scope="col">Priority</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="slds-hint-parent" for:each={searchable} for:item="item" key={item.Id} > <td scope="col">{item.index}</td> <th scope="row"> <a href="#" onclick={handleNavigate} data-id={item.caseData.Id} >{item.caseData.CaseNumber} </a> </th> <th scope="row"> <span if:true={item.caseData.Account}> <a href="#" onclick={handleNavigate} data-id={item.caseData.Account.Id} > {item.caseData.Account.Name} </a> </span> </th> <th scope="row"> <span if:true={item.caseData.Contact}> <a href="#" onclick={handleNavigate} data-id={item.caseData.Contact.Id} > {item.caseData.Contact.Name} </a> </span> </th> <th scope="row">{item.caseData.Subject}</th> <th scope="row">{item.caseData.Status}</th> <th scope="row">{item.caseData.Priority}</th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </lightning-layout-item> </lightning-layout> </lightning-card> </template>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <LightningComponentBundle xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata"> <apiVersion>51.0</apiVersion> <isExposed>true</isExposed> <targets> <target>lightning__RecordPage</target> <target>lightning__AppPage</target> <target>lightningCommunity__Page</target> <target>lightningCommunity__Default</target> </targets> </LightningComponentBundle>
Notes & FAQ
You can use the same logic with lightning-datatable
as well, you just need to
define cols and replace the HTML table with lightning-datatable
You can use this code with any other standard or custom object with some code changes.
You can make the searchAll
dynamic, so you don't have to add code for
each new field with the list of fields and Array.reduce()
This is fantastic. I've modified this to pull in tasks related to accounts leveraging @api recordId. However one issue i am having is having the size of the data table stay within the confines of the region its in on the page layout. I.e. in a 3 column layout things be getting funky.
ReplyDeleteThanks, do you mean the filters are not inline with the columns?
DeleteHi Rahul. Thank you for your effort and sharing the code over here. Just one doubt, I am still not able to get how is the individual filter working here. The 'handleKeyUp' doesn't really filter the data right ? Can you please explain?
ReplyDeleteHi PAmlan, the handlekeup is setting the tracked attributes like case number, account name these values are passed to the wired functions and wire function gets called automatically when any of the tracked attributes is changed.
DeleteHi Raul, can you further explain this recordTypeId: "012000000000000AAA", why is it hardcoded ? thank you!
ReplyDeleteHi Rahul, thank you for the code i really appreciate it. Can you provide an explanation on why you put a constant id like this recordTypeId: "012000000000000AAA"; fieldApiName: PRIORITY_FIELD? Help appreciated.
ReplyDeleteHi Donjee that is the master record type ID, you need to provide to getpicklistvalues fun it when type is not enabled for object
DeleteHi Rahul, what if the Object has multiple recordtypes ? How to modify the code in that case
DeleteHi Mahesh, in that case you need to load picklist values for all record types and update provide them based on record type id, you can store them in map and dynamically load as needed
DeleteHello, how would the assignment of data to lightning datatable differ if I were to use it instead. I am confused for that part. Please elaborate if you can. Thanks, Dimitrije.
ReplyDeleteHello Rahul, how would this solution be different and how would the data be provided if I were to use the lightning data table. I am having issues with adapting it to my code, I am new to LWC. Thanks Dimitrije.
ReplyDeleteMost of the things will be same I would suggest to get the simple lwc data table working and the slowly plugin the filter code. only the thing will change is how the data is visualised.