Create Shared Files Library In Salesforce

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Hello Friends! Currently, in Salesforce's Lightning Experience, there is no option to create and share the files library with the users. In this post, I will show you how to create a shared files library in Salesforce (like the standard Asset Library), add users and add files to it.

Create shared files library salesforce

Follow the below steps to create a shared files library.

  1. Go to Salesforce Classic.
  2. Click the + button from the top-right header menu to see all tabs.
  3. Search for Libraries and open the tab.
    Salesforce Files Libraries

  4. Click the New button from the My Libraries section.
    Create new files library

  5. Enter Name, Unique Name and Description for your library.
    New library

  6. Click Save and Add Memers to share the library with users Or just click Save and Close to save.
    Add members to files library

  7. Now you can add files, folders, and users to your library.

Add files to your library from Lightning Experience

Now that you have already created your own files library, you can go back to Lightning Experience and start sharing files from your library. For any additional modifications to the library, you might need to come back to Salesforce Classic.

  1. Switch to Lightning Experience
  2. Go to the Files tab and then click on Libraries from the side menu.
    Files tab in Lightning

  3. Click to open your library.
  4. Now, you can add files, folders, and members to your library.

Hope this was helpful. Let me know if any questions in the comments box. Thanks for visiting!

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