Quill @mention and #hashtag in LWC text area

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Hi Trailblazers! If you need to implement a social media-like @mention or #hashtag feature with a textbox input inside LWC, then you've come to the right place.


  • We need a textarea input where users can tag other users using the @ symbol or a hashtag. 
  • When the user types @, a pop-up should show a list of active users. 
  • Once selected, the user's handle/username should be inserted into the text area.
Technically not just a user object, but we can use this for any Salesforce object.

We'll be using the open-source JavaScript library Quill to build this experience in Lightning web components.


Here are the steps on how to implement this in your Salesforce org:

  1. Download the Quill Library from here: Version 1.3.7, Please download this specific file  - quill.tar.gz. Refer to the image below.
    Quill Mention in LWC
  2. Upload the zip file into a static resource named Quill and make it public. The static resource name should be exactly the same as Quill.
  3. Download the code for the mention component from here: https://github.com/rahulgawale/Quill-Mention/tree/dev/unpackaged/force-app/main/default/lwc/mention
  4. Deploy the mention component to your org.
  5. Refer to the following example to implement the @mention with the above component.
  6. Here is the Apex code you can use to query the active users' list:
  7. Put the below HTML code into your component. 


    See the full sample here: usageExample

  8. Set content-editable property to false if you want to make it read-only.
  9. Set the at-values and optionally hash-values to the c-mention component like below, You can load these values from Apex, but for the sake of this demo, I will put hard-coded sample values.

    /// at-values
            Id: 1,
            Name: "User 1"
            Id: 2,
            Name: "User 2"
    /// hash values
            Id: 1,
            Name: "hashtag1"
            Id: 2,
            Name: "hashtag12"

  10. Use the handleEdit function (onedit event) to handle the changes and capture the text value from the mention component.
  11. Use the text attribute to set the default value to the mention text area input.
  12. Optionally you can disable the input by setting content-editable to false.
I hope that is helpful, comment down for questions!

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