Client Side Caching and Data Persistence in LWC using Local Storage

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Greetings, Trailblazers! In this article, we will delve into the various use cases of Local Storage in Lightning Web Components (LWC). Local Storage is a web-based data storage method that enables websites to store information on the user's computer.

Local Storage allows you to store key-value pairs in a web browser with no expiration date. The data remains accessible even if the user closes the browser or refreshes the page. In this blog post, we'll explore various use cases for Local Storage in LWC and demonstrate how it can enhance the user experience.

Local Storage Example with LWC

Local Storage Use Cases in LWC

There are many use cases for local storage here are some examples.

Storing user preferences

Local storage can be used to store user preferences, such as the user's preferred language, theme, or font size. This can improve the user experience by allowing users to customize the LWC to their liking.

Client-Side Caching

Local storage can be used to cache data that is frequently accessed, such as the results of a recent API call. This can improve the performance of the LWC by reducing the number of times that the data needs to be fetched from the server.

Maintaining State

Local storage can be used to maintain the state of an LWC, even when the user navigates away from the page. This can be useful for implementing features such as shopping carts or wizards.

Implementing offline functionality

Local storage can be used to implement offline functionality in LWCs. For example, an LWC could store a copy of the user's data locally, so that the user can access it even when they are not connected to the internet.

Autosave input values before the form is submitted

Local storage can be used to autosave the user responses as they fill out the form so that the data entered by the user can be cached before it is sent to the server.

Share data between components 

Local storage is accessible to all components from the site regardless of their relation. So the data is accessible to all components regardless of their relations. You can also add an event listener to storage to observe the changes.

Local Storage example in Lwc code

In the below example, the theme stateful button changes the background of the card body. We will store the isDarkTheme value in Local Storage. See the below explanation for the code.

  1. The constructor gets the isDarkTheme value from the local storage. If the value is not set, it is defaulted to false.
  2. The button click handler toggles isDarkTheme and stores the new value in local storage.
  3. The themeClass property sets the class based on the isDarkTheme value.


import { LightningElement } from "lwc";

export default class App extends LightningElement {
    isDarkTheme = true;

    // read the local storage value
    connectedCallback() {
        if (localStorage.getItem("isDarkTheme") === "true") {
            this.isDarkTheme = true;
        } else {
            this.isDarkTheme = false;

    // toggle the theme and update the local storage
    handleClickTheme() {
        this.isDarkTheme = !this.isDarkTheme;
        localStorage.setItem("isDarkTheme", this.isDarkTheme);

    // get the theme class value based on
    get themeClass() {
        let otherStyles = "slds-var-p-around_small";
        return (
            otherStyles +
            " " +
            (this.isDarkTheme ? "slds-theme_alt-inverse" : "slds-theme_default")


    <lightning-card icon-name="standard:account" variant="base">
        <!-- card title -->
        <div slot="title">
            Local storage demo

        <!-- button to change the theme -->
        <div slot="actions">
            <lightning-button-stateful label-when-off="Light" label-when-on="Dark" label-when-hover="Light/Dark"
                icon-name-when-off="custom:custom3" icon-name-when-on="custom:custom10" selected={isDarkTheme}
                onclick={handleClickTheme} variant="brand"></lightning-button-stateful>

        <!-- update the background -->
        <div class={themeClass}>
            <lightning-layout multiple-rows>
                <lightning-layout-item size="6" class="slds-var-p-around_small">
                    Click on theme button to change the background


Local Storage Example with LWC - Output

Limitations of Local Storage

Although it is a good tool, I suggest checking out the limitations of Local Storage before you consider using it. This post explains all in detail - When is localStorage cleared?

Best practices

  • Don't use Local Storage to store sensitive data, if needed encrypt the data.
  • Programmatically clear the local storage when not needed.
  • Don't use Local Storage for large amounts of data.
  • Authorization tokens or user session data should never be used in local storage.

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