Lightning Web Component Best Practices for App Exchange

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LWC Best practices for Salesforce App Exchange

Salesforce Lightning Web Components (LWC) offer a robust framework for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces on the Salesforce platform. 

When developing components for the Salesforce AppExchange, it's essential to follow best practices to ensure the reliability, maintainability, and performance of your products. Here are some best practices for LWC development in the context of the Salesforce AppExchange:

Modular Development:

Break down your components into smaller, modular pieces. This promotes reusability and makes it easier to maintain and update your components.

Use base components provided by Salesforce whenever possible to leverage built-in functionality and ensure a consistent user experience.

Optimize Performance:

Minimize the use of expensive operations in the connectedCallback, renderedCallback, or other lifecycle hooks.

Implement lazy loading for components that are not immediately required, improving the initial loading time of your application.

Avoid Direct DOM Manipulation:

Use the Lightning Web Components framework to manipulate the DOM rather than relying on direct DOM manipulation. This ensures compatibility with the Lightning Experience and prevents potential conflicts with the framework.

Leverage the reactivity of the component properties for DOM manipulation.

Error Handling:

Implement robust error handling to provide meaningful error messages to users and administrators.
Leverage try-catch blocks to handle exceptions and prevent unhandled errors from disrupting the user experience.

Use new alert/prompt/confirm modules from the Lightning Web Component framework to show interactive messages to users.

Validate public property values and display proper error messages to the admin if any public property values are invalid.

Security Considerations:

Sanitize user inputs to prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.

Follow the principle of least privilege when defining Apex classes and permissions to ensure that your components have the necessary access but no more.

Prevent SOQL Injection in dynamic SOQL queries that are called from Lwc.


Implement unit tests for your Lightning web components using Jest or another testing framework. Test not only the happy paths but also edge cases and error scenarios.

Perform integration testing to ensure that your components work seamlessly within the Salesforce environment.


Clearly define and communicate versioning strategies for your components. This helps users understand the impact of updates and ensures a smooth upgrade process.


Provide comprehensive documentation for your components, including usage instructions, configuration options, and any known limitations. You can leverage GitHub wiki pages to host the documentation.

Include code examples and best practices to guide users in implementing and customizing your components.

Provide sample use cases.


Design your components with localization in mind to support users in different regions and languages.

Utilize Salesforce's Internationalization (I18N) features to handle translations and formatting based on user preferences.

This avoids any date and time issues when the component is used from different countries or regions. Use the standard Date input and output elements like lightning-input, lighnting-formatted-date,  or lightning-formatted-datetime etc.


Ensure that your components are accessible to users with disabilities by following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Test your components using accessibility tools to identify and address potential issues.


Plan for and support the upgrade process by maintaining backward compatibility when possible.

Clearly communicate any breaking changes and provide migration guides for users upgrading from previous versions.

Create Consistent User Interface:

This is often overlooked best practice, it is very important to ensure that the User Interface is consistent across different components of your package.

Use SLDS examples and styles for your custom components, and leverage SLDS styling hooks to override the standard look and feel of base Lightning web components.

You can also go with a brand theme for all your components.


By adhering to these best practices, you can create high-quality Lightning web components that integrate seamlessly into the Salesforce ecosystem, providing a positive experience for both developers and end-users on the AppExchange.

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