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Query SObject fields with field history tracked

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Query SObject fields with field history tracked


Display all Salesforce object fields with field history tracking enabled in a dropdown menu within a Lightning web component. 


We can utilize a SOQL query to retrieve fields with Field History Tracking enabled using the following syntax. The below query returns all the fields on the "Account" object with field history tracking enabled.

SELECT Label, QualifiedApiName
    FROM FieldDefinition
    EntityDefinition.QualifiedApiName = 'Account'
    AND IsFieldHistoryTracked = TRUE

Apex Code to fetch fields with field history enabled

The getTrackedFields apex function queries fields with Field History Tracking enabled for the object with the name getTrackedFields. The wrapper class FieldInfo is used to store and return the result to LWC. Just connect this code with the wired adapter in your LWC component and you should be good to go.

public static List<FieldInfo> getTrackedFields(String objectApiName) {
	List<FieldInfo> trackedFields = new List<FieldInfo>();

	// Query FieldDefinition object to retrieve tracked fields
	List<FieldDefinition> fields = [
		SELECT Label, QualifiedApiName
		FROM FieldDefinition
			EntityDefinition.QualifiedApiName = :objectApiName
			AND IsFieldHistoryTracked = TRUE

	// Extract tracked field API names
	for (FieldDefinition field : fields) {
		FieldInfo info = new FieldInfo();
		info.label = field.Label;
		info.value = field.QualifiedApiName;

	return trackedFields;

// Wrapper class to hold field label and API name
public class FieldInfo {
	public String label { get; set; }
	public String value { get; set; }

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